Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I almost started bawling in the car. My mom told me they weren't hating on Keli. They were mad at my decisions. I understand that. It's just really hard to know that one slip up could have you on the street, braving the world in the most horrible way possible at only 18 years into life. I'm not ready to handle that, you know? I don't think anyone is at my age...
My mom came in to tell me that she loves me. I love my mom with all my heart no matter what she does. It's nice to hear it. I feel so hated in this house, otherwise. Like, I just brought the plague in and am infecting everyone.
Aaron told me that it's not just Keli... It's my schoolwork that's affecting everything. *Sigh* I'm terrified that at any minute my dad's going to bust into my room and tell me to get out... I've never been so scared of that in my life. Where would I go? How would I survive 'til school started? All these questions just running through my mind. No, racing. Any movement in the house sends me into shock. I'm terrified. Utterly terrified...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, just a random anon that happened to stumble upon your blog! :D
    On your sidebar your facebook profile picture is depicting you and a girl. This girl being this Keli I assume? Well anyways, you seem happy with her. Your decisions are your own, your father, sister, mother, no one can choose for you. All you can do is continue on with life, just screw it and continue on! Happiness doesn't come cheap, you're going to have to hurt people to gain it. Remember that.
